Welcome to Starshiplad.com! This webpage is designed primarily to show off CSS, PHP,SQL and HTML design and code learning that I do while developing projects throughout the year. You can check out my github for more info.
This front page is to guide users through the website. To input data into a database stored on the server go to the "Input data" tab, where unimportant details can be entered into a database's SQL table called "importantThings". This data will be password protected, but accessible via my hack tool I developed.
Hi Twitter
If you came to check the website out from my twitter, thank you very much! Any ideas for stuff I should try to learn to code or any advice, don't hesitate to DM me! Always cool to talk to other programmers out there :)
Important Info Search
The 'Search Names' tab can be used to search the database created with 'input info. This will return a table of matching data entries. It is also the primary penetration point with my hack tool

Filler text to fill up the last panel to see how good it looks

Send me a message through the below form to get in contact about anything!
Current Projects
I am constantly finding new programming solutions to try out.
If there are any cool ideas you'd like to see tried out, feel free to message me with the contact box above.
Current projects include:
A C#/SQL RPG Managment Tool
A javascript / Google API /PHP Mapping Website
A Java/XML Android companion app for MTG
A javascript/HTML Google Chrome Extension
A .NET / MySQL database and automated SQLi tool to interact with it
Planned Future Projects
I'm hoping to do get the following projects up on my Github:
  • More professional documentation for current projects
  • A simple MTG life counter android app Currenty in progress , the APK can be downloaded here
  • An openGL card Game Currenty in progress, see https://Starshiplad.com/openGL.php
  • A Angular.js applet
  • More design-oriented C# froms/WPF Currenty in progress